
Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer Institute

The fourth MSSD Summer Institute is in full swing in Manitou Springs.  The shift in thinking as we move from a teacher-centered to a student-centered classroom that places the learner firmly at the center of the learning process requires time and support. The Summer Institute is a professional development opportunity made available for teachers who are incorporating this philosophy in their curricula.  

This summer, we will be investigating iTunes U and iBooks Author as course content delivery tools to bring content to students.

This PD model follows the 80/20 model many innovative companies use int heir work week, only in reverse.  Basically, the teacher chooses the content creation delivery platform, (iTunes U, Wiki/Blog or iBooks Author) and spends ~80% of their time developing this platform to the specific needs of their classroom.  The additional 20% time is spent exploring a variety of topics and participated in dialogue centered around personal growth and emerging technologies.

In a nutshel, Summer Institute provides the following:

  • Opportunity for self-directed learning
  • In-depth, personalized study drawing on knowledge areas and interests
  • Create a culture of peer accountability through dialogue and discussion.
You can download the course and check it out yourself from iTunes U on an iOS device.